Experience the NoonSong – After login
We make the past Noonsong available for you to listen to for a week after each performance without registration.
Choral music with sirventes berlin
Listen to some examples of our live recordings of choral music from 1000 years ago.
Over 3000 recordings are waiting for you after successful registration.

GREGORIAN CHANT: Graduale: Christus factus est pro nobis
Choral Music
Organ Music
Bible reading
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You can use the search function and find out what music awaits you. You can play the music after successful login/registration.
Browse through our extensive musical Audio Archive here. With over 3500 well-sorted recordings, it is unique and continues to grow every week!
Registered visitors receive the quarterly program of the NoonSong by e-mail every quarter.
Your data is sacred to us and we treat your data in compliance with the GDPR. They are stored exclusively on German servers in encrypted form and are not passed on to third parties.
Please support us
The NoonSong only exists through donations & contributions
If you like the NoonSong, we appreciate your support. You can become a member of the supporting association, take over the sponsorship of a NoonSong or support directly with a small donation.