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Saturday | 12 noon
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Around the NoonSong
News in front of and behind the scenes, info on choral works, from the life of the Supporting Association and interesting anecdotes.
Der NoonSong pausiert
Der NoonSong pausiert!
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Hören Sie unsere Interpretation der Vertonung des 147. Psalms “Lauda Jerusalem” des spanischen Komponisten Victoria bei YouTube.
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Singen Sie am 6. Juli 2024, 12:00 gemeinsam mit sirventes im NoonSong in Berlin Musik von Mendelssohn, Mozart u.a.
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The NoonSong only exists through donations & contributions
If you like the NoonSong, we appreciate your support. You can become a member of the supporting association, take over the sponsorship of a NoonSong or support directly with a small donation.
NoonSong could not exist without a large number of friends and supporters. We would like to thank: Our Supporting Association and our Board of Trustees | Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf | Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz | Hugo Distler-Chor Berlin | RIAS-Kammerchor | Rundfunkchor Berlin | Hofcafé bei Mutter Fourage | Wochenmarkt rund um die Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz.